August 14, 2024

To enable higher time-series resolution vegetation indices (such as NDVI, LAI, FAPAR, FCOVER) than the Sentinel-2 time series, we have implemented the computation based on the Sen2Like processor which enables users to process these indices on-demand.

The Sen2Like processor was developed by ESA as part of the EU Copernicus program. It creates Sentinel-2 like harmonized (Level-2H) or fused (Level-2F) surface reflectances by harmonizing Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8/Landsat 9 to increase the temporal revisits. Based on the resulting L2F product, multiple indices can be computed, such as the NDVI and LAI. The fusion also involves the upscaling of Landsat 8/Landsat 9 data to Sentinel-2 resolution. With the new L2F data higher time-series resolution vegetation indices (such as NDVI, LAI, FAPAR, FCOVER) can be calculated.

OpenEO Platform users can now run the generation of high-temporal resolution vegetation indices through user-defined processes in the web editor.

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