Scope and General Definitions

  • This site presents the English version of openEO platform General Terms and Conditions is translated from the German version (“openEO Platform – Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen v1.6”). In the case of any legal dispute, the German version is binding.
  • The openEO platform is a combination of services offered by EODC, VITO and Sinergise, commonly termed openEO platform Services, but hereinafter referred to as the Service.
  • The openEO platform service providers (EODC, VITO, and Sinergise) are hereinafter referred to as the Service Provider.
  • The Service is provided to the Service User.
  • The Service User and the Service Provider are both hereinafter referred to as “Party” or “Parties”.
  • These Terms and Conditions apply to all components of the Service, unless specified otherwise.
  • These Terms and Conditions, version 1.6, is valid from 05 November 2021 until superseded by a newer version.

Use of the Service

  • To access and use the Service, the Service User must comply with these Terms and Conditions, the Service Use Policy ( and any applicable laws, rules and regulations governing the Service User’s use of the Service.
  • The Service Provider may, from time to time, modify or discontinue the Service Offerings and the Service Level Agreements either in part or in whole, or change or remove the functionality of the Service Offering either in part or in whole. The Service Provider will inform the Service User of any material change or termination of Service Offerings and will maintain the Service for at least six months in the existing form to give the customer the opportunity to respond to these changes.
  • The Service is being expanded continuously and gradually. The Service Providers endeavour to minimize the resulting downtime of the Service to a minimum.

Data Protection Terms

The terms in this section apply to all Online Services of the Service.

Processing of Service User Data

  • Service User Data will be used or otherwise processed only to provide the Service User the Online Services including purposes compatible with providing those services. The Service Provider will not use or otherwise process Service User Data or derive information from it for any advertising or similar commercial purposes, except for informing the Service User about events such as the status of the Service infrastructure.
  • We use aggregated data about Online Services usage (which do not identify a specific user), such as the number of users who have visited certain pages of the Online Services, or how long users are spending on a particular page, in order to develop statistics as to the use of the Online Services, so that we can understand how users interact with the Online Services, to improve its content, products, or services.
  • As between the parties, the Service User retains all right, title and interest in and to the Service User data. The Service Provider acquires no rights in Service User Data, other than the rights the Service User grants to the Service Provider to provide the Online Services to Service User.

Disclosure of Service User Data

The Service Provider will not disclose Service User Data outside of the Service Provider and affiliates except (1) as the Service User directs, (2) as described in the General Terms and Conditions, or (3) as required by law.

Processing of Personal Data and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR (EU) 2016/679)

Personal Data provided to the Service Provider by, or on behalf of, the Service User through use of the Online Services is also Service User Data and is treated as described in ‘Processing of Service User Data’.

Processor and Controller Roles and Responsibilities

The Service User and the Service Provider agree that the Service User is the controller of Personal Data and the Service Provider is the processor of such data, except when the Service User acts as a processor of Personal Data, in which case the Service Provider is a subprocessor.
In any instance where the GDPR applies and the Service User is a processor, the Service User warrants to the Service Provider that Service User’s instructions, including appointment of the Service Provider as a processor or subprocessor, have been authorized by the relevant controller.

Processing Details

The parties acknowledge and agree that:

  1. The subject-matter of the processing is limited to Personal Data within the scope of the GDPR;
  2. The duration of the processing shall be for the duration of the Service User’s right to use the Online Service and until all Personal Data is deleted or returned in accordance with Service User instructions or the General Terms and Conditions;
  3. The types of Personal Data processed by the Online Service include those expressly identified in Article 4 of the GDPR;
  4. The categories of data subjects are Service User’s representatives and end users, such as employees, contractors, collaborators, and customers.

Records of Processing Activities

The Service Provider shall maintain all records required by Article 30(2) of the GDPR and, to the extent applicable to the processing of Personal Data on behalf of Service User, make them available to Service User upon request.

Data Security

The Service Provider shall take appropriate and reasonable measures to protect content of the Service User against accidental or unlawful loss, access or disclosure.

All storage media, as well as the entire server infrastructure, which are made available as part of the Service Provider service offering are located within the European Union.

Limitation of Liability

The Service Provider assumes no liability, nor provides guarantees, for results generated by the Service.

The Service Provider, as well as the Service User, assume no liability for newly acquired or existing intellectual property (Foreground Intellectual Property, Background Intellectual Property) arising from the use of the Service and any other information. All information is provided without any warranty.

Temporary suspension of the Service

The Service Provider may, in whole or in part, suspend the Service User’s, or Service User’s end user, right of access or use in respect of the Services upon notification, if the Service Provider determines that:

  1. there is a security risk for the entire Service infrastructure, which goes beyond the usual threat and the Service User does not respond adequately despite being requested to do so;
  2. the Service Users activities could adversely affect the service offerings or systems or content of another Service User,
  3. the Service User activities could be a liability to the Service Provider or third parties,
  4. the Service User activities could be fraudulent,
  5. the Service User violates this agreement or any the respective service contract,
  6. the Service User violates their payment obligations
  7. the Service User has ceased trading and/or has been the subject of an insolvency, reorganization, liquidation, dissolution, or similar process

In the event of a temporary suspension of the Service, the Service User remains responsible for all fees and charges incurred during the period of suspension.

Service User obligations

  • The Service User is responsible for all activities under the Service agreement, whether the activities were undertaken by the Service User themself, their employees or third parties (such as end users of the Service User). The Service Provider is not responsible for unauthorized access to the Service User’s service.
  • The Service User must ensure that its content and use of this content or service by the Service User or its End Users does not violate any of the Service’s General Terms and Conditions or applicable law. The Service User is solely responsible for the development, content, operation, maintenance and use of its content.
  • The Service User is responsible for the proper configuration and use of the Service Provider’s service offerings and must take reasonable measures to safeguard and protect it. The Service User is responsible for the backup of its own content and accounts. To protect the content, encryption technologies must be used against unauthorized access.
  • The Service Providers credentials and the private keys generated by the Service are for use by the Service User only and may not be sold, transferred or sublicensed to any other company or person.
  • Part of the Service hardware is embedded in the Austrian Academic Computer Network ACOnet (, which provides its members with high performance access to international academic networks via GÉANT ( as well as enabling access to the Internet. While the data transfer within this academic network is limited only by the physical bandwidth, the data upload and download to other networks is based on the fair use principle.
  • Data uploaded from other networks (i.e. commercial networks to ACONet) exceeding the contractual range of the Service Provider with ACONet will incur additional costs which must be borne by the Service User as the originator of the transfer, if the Service Provider has informed the customer of this breach in contractual range in a timely manner.

Force Majeure

If the performance by either party of any obligation under this Agreement is delayed or prevented by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, that Party will not be in breach of this Agreement because of that delay in performance.

Acceptance of this policy 

You acknowledge that you have read this Policy and agree to all its terms and conditions. By accessing and using the Website and Services you agree to be bound by this Policy. If you do not agree to abide by the terms of this Policy, you are not authorized to access or use the Website and Services. 

Contacting us 

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this Policy, we encourage you to contact us using the details below: 

This document was last updated on November 5, 2021: Improved the formatting of the document.